14:30 – 16:00                                                                      JUNE 13, 2019
PILLAR 6 – Instruments for nanomaterials application
PARALLEL SESSION 6.2 Nano from fab to market
The session will address the opportunities offered by advanced materials and nanotechnology to improve functionalities of the products we use in our everyday life while observing overall life cycle impact. Commercialisation issues, including reliability, robustness, functional safety and security of the new products will be considered, and examples of successful industrial implementations and the opportunities offered to industry and the public will be shown.
Soren Bowadt, DG Research and Innovation, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission
Nuria Garcia, Public Programmes Team at Eurecat
Nano -enabled multifunctional polymer components: from applied research research to market
Karl-Heinz Haas, Head of New Business Development – Managing Director of Fraunhofer-Alliance Nanotechnology, Fraunhofer-Institute for Silicate Research – ISC, Germany
Nanotechnology markets and value chains – selected examples
Nicolas Lafitte, Fluigent, Paris, France
Holistic approach for microfluidic system prototyping and production
Vladimir Rassushin, Scientific Consultant & Technology Scout, District Melnik, Czech Republic
Launching a technology platform in cosmetics
Flaviu Turcu, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Assessing the hazard of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). A critical step to safe implementation of nanotechnologies

Soren Bowadt
Deputy Head of Unit for the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Programme of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate in Brussels
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)

Karl-Heinz Haas
Head of New Business Development – Managing Director of Fraunhofer-Alliance Nanotechnology, Fraunhofer-Institute for Silicate Research – ISC, Germany