Directorate D – Industrial Technologies
D.3 – Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies
EuroNanoForum and Boosting Innovation for EU industry
14 June 2019
Bucharest, Romania
Facilities for open innovation and upscaling do exist in the European Union and programmes at European, national and regional level have supported their development for many years. Federating all relevant infrastructures for upscaling innovation, including those in industry premises, is a crucial challenge for EU industry. Based on descriptions from speakers of the main systems currently at EU level, these sessions will look at ways to integrate them in a real ecosystem.
For further information and registration,
participants are invited to contact Valeria.LAUTIZI
09:00 Welcome Soren Bowadt, DG Research and Innovation, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission
09:15 Panel discussion: Innovation industrial ecosystem and EU examples on Technology transfer technologies
   Keynote speaker: Maurits Butter, Senior Policy Researcher, TNO
   Panel discussion:
- Soren Bowadt, DG Research and Innovation, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission
Buildin an open innovation eco-system - Paula Galvão, INL Portugal, European pilot line production facilities across Europe (EPPN)
EPPN – European Network For Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs - Ornela de Giacomo, CERIC-ERIC Research Infrastructure
CERIC-ERIC Large research infrastructures’ technology, knowledge and service transfer to industry, key aspects - Roman Pasek,
AMIRES - Iraida Loinaz, CIDETEC
Introduction to TBMED - Esther Hurtos, Eurecat
Examples of Infrastructures for upscaling innovation
11.00 End of the workshop